Monday, September 29, 2008

New poll added!

We can learn so much from your opinions, that's why we're having weekly polls regarding Presec life with an afterlife perspective, albeit in a humorous way. All the polls won't expire, so we can see long term results. You can vote anytime at our polls page. We're very open to poll ideas, so please email us if you've got something in mind. 

This week's poll asks: what "work" did you have to do the most while at Presec? I recall some perpetual moppers and, infact, one student who's name was almost synonymous to cleaning the Akro House "domas" [WCs]. Surprisingly though, I enjoyed going to the borehole to fetch salinated water that made bathing impossible. 

Now some may be wondering how "striking" can be work. Let's be fair though - D-Hall "striking" [predatory food surveillance around meal times in a bid to boost one's chances at (skewed) food redistribution] can be a lot of work for those who aren't gifted! I presume things might be even more competitive nowadays, given the credit crisis which economists predict will produce an acute shortage in "Homad" [savory home-made food supplied during student family visits].

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